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Lost & found objects

For information about lost and found objects and pick-up locations please contact MÁVDIREKT by calling +36 (1) 3494949 (Telekom: +36 30 499 4999, Yettel: +36 20 499 4999, Vodafone: +36 70 499 4999).

Handing in and claiming up of lost and found objects

  • The employees of Volánbusz Zrt. regularly inspect the service providing buses, bus stations and their premises, to check whether passengers, or users of the facilities, have lost or left any of their baggage or other objects. Objects found by staff, and those found and handed in by third parties, are kept by Volánbusz Zrt. for a limited period and handed over to persons proving ownership when they come to claim them.
  • Objects of unknown ownership found on board of buses, at bus stations and bus stops, may be handed in for safekeeping to the bus driver or at the designated bus stations.
  • Volánbusz Zrt. does not accept for safekeeping, any objects of obviously insignificant or negligible value, or objects that are perishable or pose a health risk.
  • Volánbusz Zrt. registers each lost object when it is handed in. Records are kept electronically, with the recipient recording the characteristics of the object and the date of handing in.

Safekeeping of lost and found objects

  • Volánbusz Zrt. will keep the registered lost or found objects for 3 months, after which it will sell objects that have not been claimed. Volánbusz Zrt. will arrange for the immediate sale of objects handed in which cannot be kept due to perishability or any other reason. Objects that cannot be sold will be destroyed.
  • When certain special objects (precious metals, precious stones, museum objects, domestic or foreign currency, cheques, vouchers, other securities, documents, firearms, ammunition, etc.) are handed in, Volánbusz Zrt. acts in accordance with the applicable legislation and internal regulations, or passes them on to other designated bodies for safekeeping.
  • If the owner or the person entitled to receive the lost or found object can be determined from its markings or purpose, Volánbusz Zrt. will notify the owner or other person entitled to receive the lost object within 8 days of the discovery and, if they present themselves to claim, will hand over the object to them.

Returning lost and found objects

  • Typically, lost or found objects are returned at the place where they were handed in. If the person entitled to collect the object only shows up to claim it after its sale, the proceeds of the sale will be paid to them.
  • MÁVDIREKT provides information about the lost and found objects and pick-up points on the phone number +36 (1) 3 494949.
  • Click here to find out where to pick up lost or found objects and when the premises are open.
  • Volánbusz Zrt. considers the person who proves beyond doubt that they have lost the object or are the owner of the object to be the person entitled to claim the object.
  • When handing over a lost or found object, Volánbusz Zrt. records the personal data (name, address) of the recipient in its records, and the recipient certifies the receipt of the found object by signing the receipt on an electronic interface.
  • If the owner does not claim the lost or found object for 1 year after the drop-off, the company will transfer the proceeds of the sale to the Hungarian State.

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