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Questions Concerning Pensioners

As a pensioner or dependent under 65, what discount am I entitled to?

A person under 65 years of age who is in possession of a pensioner’s travel voucher are entitled to free travel on intercity transport.

The discount can be claimed by presenting both the pensioner’s travel voucher and a personal identity document. The pensioner’s travel voucher entitles the holder to a travel discount for the period of validity indicated on the voucher.

Can I travel free of charge on Volánbusz services if I am over 65?

Yes, over 65 years of age, the presentation of a personal identity document entitles you to free travel on Volánbusz services. In addition to Hungarian citizens over 65 years of age, foreign citizens with a Hungarian pension, foreign citizens with a Hungarian identity card and/or a Hungarian family member card, citizens of the European Economic Area and Switzerland, citizens of countries covered by international treaties and refugees, are entitled to free travel.

Further details are available here in Hungarian.