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Timetable valid from: 2024.06.22 -
Classification:                         O     O                             O O          
 Km Km Km Stops (VOLÁNBUSZ Zrt.) 660   M     670   O     678   M     6102   T     6102   I     648   O     6103   M     6103   A     6103   M     6103   M     6103   M     6103   A     1177       Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surfaceFree WiFi available on the service 646   O     6103   M     1562   72     6103   M     6103   A     676   I     686   14     6103   M     656   V     6102   I     6103   M     644   O     6104   M     6103   M     6103   A     684   I     6103   M     1177   14   Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surface 1177       Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surface 6101   A     6101   M     682   M     6103   M     6103   19    
0,0 .. .. Böhönye, Közp. aut. vt. 04:44         06:50 06:50 08:10 08:10 09:05 10:15 10:15 11:05 12:30 12:30   13:05 13:05   14:01 14:10 14:10   15:20 15:30   16:10 16:10   17:10 18:05 18:05 19:08 19:17 20:51 22:00 22:00
0,9 .. .. Böhönye, Iskola 04:46         06:52 06:52 08:12 08:12 | 10:17 10:17 | 12:32 12:32   | |   | 14:12 14:12   15:22 15:32   16:12 16:12   17:12 | | | | 20:53 22:02 22:02
2,9 0,0 .. Böhönye, Lászlómajori elág.[1] 04:49         06:55 06:55 08:15 08:15 09:08 10:20 10:20 11:08 12:35 12:35   13:08 13:08   | 14:15 14:15   15:25 15:35   16:15 16:15   17:15 | 18:08 19:11 19:20 20:56 22:05 22:05
S 1,3 .. Segesd, Lászlómajor S         06:57 06:57 | | | | | | S |   | |   S | S   | S   | |   | | | | | S | |
2,9 0,0 .. Böhönye, Lászlómajori elág.[1] 04:49         06:59 06:59 08:15 08:15 09:08 10:20 10:20 11:08 12:35 12:35   13:08 13:08   | 14:15 14:15   15:25 15:35   16:15 16:15   17:15 | 18:08 19:11 19:20 20:56 22:05 22:05
7,9 .. 0,0 Segesd, Szoc. otthon 04:54         07:04 07:04 08:20 08:20 09:13 10:25 10:25 11:13 12:40 12:40 13:10 13:13 13:13   14:09 14:20 14:22   15:30 15:40 15:41 16:20 16:20   17:20 | 18:13 19:16 19:25 21:01 22:10 22:10
S .. 1,0 Segesd, Tüskevár S         07:06 07:06 | | | | | | S | | | |   S | S   | S | | |   | | | | | S | |
S .. 3,9 Segesd, Felsőbogátpuszta S         07:10 07:10 | | | | | | S | | | |   S | S   | S | | |   | | | | | S | |
S .. 1,0 Segesd, Tüskevár S         07:17 07:17 | | | | | | S | | | |   S | S   | S | | |   | | | | | S | |
7,9 .. 0,0 Segesd, Szoc. otthon 04:54 04:55 05:47     07:20 07:20 08:20 08:20 09:13 10:25 10:25 11:13 12:40 12:40 13:10 13:13 13:13 14:05 14:09 14:20 14:22   15:30 15:40 15:41 16:20 16:20 16:45 17:20 | 18:13 19:16 19:25 21:01 22:10 22:10
8,8 0,0 .. Segesd, Posta 04:56 04:57 05:49     07:22 07:22 08:22 08:22 | 10:27 10:27 | 12:42 12:42 | | | 14:07 | 14:22 14:24   15:32 15:42 15:43 16:22 16:22 16:47 17:22 | | | | 21:03 22:12 22:12
S 1,4 .. Segesd, Alsó 04:59 05:00 05:52     07:25 07:25 08:25 08:25 | 10:30 10:30 | 12:45 12:45 | | | S S 14:25 S   15:35 15:45 15:45 16:25 16:25 S 17:25 | | | | S 22:15 22:15
10,5 2,0 .. Segesd, Szőlőhegy 05:02 05:03 05:55     07:28 07:28 08:28 08:28 | 10:33 10:33 | 12:48 12:48 | | | 14:10 | 14:28 14:27   15:38 15:48 | 16:28 16:28 16:50 17:28 | | | | 21:06 22:18 22:18
15,0 .. .. Ötvöskónyi, Vá. bej. út 05:07 05:08 06:00     07:33 07:33 08:33 08:33 | 10:38 10:38 | 12:53 12:53 | | | 14:15 | 14:33 14:32   15:43 15:53 | 16:33 16:33 16:55 17:33 | | | | 21:11 22:23 22:23
Ötvöskónyi 05:24 05:24 06:17               10:55 10:55             14:25         16:01 16:01                        
Kaposvár 06:06 06:06 07:05               11:42 11:42             15:11         16:47 16:47                        
15,0 .. .. Ötvöskónyi, Vá. bej. út 05:07 05:09 06:00     07:33 07:33 08:33 08:33 | 10:38 10:38 | 12:53 12:53 | | | 14:15 | 14:33 14:33   15:43 15:53 | 16:33 16:33 16:56 17:33 | | | | 21:11 22:23 22:23
15,6 .. .. Ötvöskónyi, Kh. 05:08 05:10 06:01 07:27 07:29 07:34 07:34 08:34 08:34 09:21 10:39 10:39 11:21 12:54 12:54 | 13:21 13:21 14:16 | 14:34 14:34 15:39 15:44 15:54 | 16:34 16:34 16:57 17:34 | 18:21 19:24 19:33 21:12 22:24 22:24
20,2 .. .. Nagyatád, Dózsa György u. 100. 05:12 05:15 06:05 07:32 07:34 07:38 07:38 08:38 08:38 | 10:43 10:43 | 12:58 12:58 | | | 14:21 | 14:38 14:39 15:44 15:48 15:58 | 16:38 16:38 17:02 17:38 | | | | 21:16 22:28 22:28
20,9 .. .. Nagyatád, Kápolna 05:13 05:16 06:06 07:33 07:35 07:39 07:39 08:39 08:39 09:26 10:44 10:44 11:25 12:59 12:59 | 13:25 13:25 14:22 | 14:39 14:40 15:45 15:49 15:59 | 16:39 16:39 17:03 17:39 | 18:25 19:29 19:37 21:17 22:29 22:29
22,1 .. .. Nagyatád, Autóbusz-állomás 05:15 05:18 06:08 07:35 07:37 07:41 07:41 08:41 08:41 09:28 10:46 10:46 11:27 13:01 13:01 13:25 13:27 13:27 14:24 14:26 14:41 14:42 15:47 15:51 16:01 16:20 16:41 16:41 17:05 17:41 18:25 18:27 19:31 19:39 21:19 22:31 22:31


14 on the last schooldays of the week
19 at weekends and on public holidays during the summer school holidays
72 tanév tartama alatt a hetek utolsó előtti és utolsó munkanapján

on work-days
on work-days
on free days
on free days
during school holiday on work-days
during school holiday on work-days
on school-days
on school-days
on free days and days of rest
on free days and days of rest
on days of rest
on days of rest
| line passing stop, but not stopping at it
S line in service on another route
Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surface Passengers need supplementary tickets for this surface
Free WiFi available on the service Free WiFi available on the service
Railway connection Railway connection
O National passenger transport service