Travel insurance for international services
Client Information sheet for the passengers of local, domestic, contracted and rented buses of VOLÁNBUSZ Co. Ltd. and its subcontractors and in case of international lines for the passengers with tickets issued by VOLÁNBUSZ Co. Ltd. or by the sales system of FLIXBUS and travelling by bus in the operation of VOLÁNBUSZ Co. Ltd.
Insured person
In case of local, domestic, contracted and rented buses the insured is the person who has a valid ticket or pass or uses legally the service of VOLÁNBUSZ Co. Ltd. (hereinafter: Policyholder). Furthermore insured persons are those entitled to travel free of charge (in accordance with the General Travelling Conditions). In case of scheduled international buses insured person is the passenger having a ticket issued by VOLÁNBUSZ Co. Ltd. or by the sales system of FLIXBUS and travelling by bus in the operation of VOLÁNBUSZ Co. Ltd. The beneficiary is the insured person, in case of death due to a traffic accident the beneficiary is the heir of the insured person.
Insurer’s liability
Territorial scope: Europe
In case of the local, domestic, international, contracted or rented buses of VOLÁNBUSZ Co. Ltd. the insured period begins when the insured gets on the vehicle or when he/she enters in the area of passenger transport, and will continue to be in full force and effect until leaving the vehicle or the area allocated for passenger transport. Areas allocated for passenger transport shall be understood to mean the premises of bus stations, stops where passengers may ascend or descend from vehicles, or, in the absence of such stops, the spot where such ascent or descent is possible and the place is indicated with a "bus stop" ("autóbusz-megállóhely") sign and during the journey the place (eg. gas station) where the bus stops due to traffic or traffic organizational reasons.
Insurance events
- death due to traffic accident
- permanent disability due to traffic accident (10-100%)
- accidental Inpatient treatment (daily allowance)
- fracture or cracking of the bone, healing period in excess of 28 days
- damage of luggage and clothing
- refund of costs emerging due to an accident
- reissue of official documentation
Accident shall mean a sudden external impact occurring outside the will of the Insured, in consequence of which the Insured dies or incurs corporal injury or permanent health impairment.
Insurance benefits
Death due to traffic accident
Insurance event shall be a traffic accident that occurred within the duration of the coverage granted for the Insured, and causes the death of the Insured within 1 year from the day of the accident. Following an insurance event, the Insurer will pay the sum insured specified for the given Insured, which was in force at the time of the traffic accident.
Permanent disability due to traffic accident
Insurance event shall mean a traffic accident (hereinafter: accident) that occurred within the duration of the coverage granted for the given insured, and caused at least 10% permanent health impairment that was determined within 2 years from the day of accident. Following the occurrence of an insurance event, the insurance benefit payable by the Insurer will be obtained by applying the rate of the permanent health impairment to the sum insured that at the time of the occurrence of the accident was specified for the Insured.
In the case of multiple impairments or disorders stemming from one and the same accident, which impact several organs or members of the body, the amount of the insurance benefit will be determined by way of aggregating the percentages of permanent health impairments, however, the insurance benefit may not exceed the amount of the sum insured prevailing at the time of the occurrence of the accident.
The percentage of permanent health impairment will be stated by a medical examination that takes all circumstances into consideration, on the basis of the percentages given in the table hereunder as a guideline:
Total loss of the sight of both eyes | 100% |
Loss of both arms or hands | 100% |
Loss of both lower limbs | 100% |
Loss of both legs from knee, inaptly for attaching prosthesis | 100% |
Loss of both legs from knee with proper knee function | 80% |
Total loss of the sight of one eye | 50% |
Total loss of the hearing of both ears | 60% |
Total loss of the hearing of one ear | 30% |
Total loss of olfaction | 10% |
Total loss of gustation | 5% |
Total loss of one arm from the shoulder joint or total loss of functionality of one arm | 70% |
Total loss of one arm from beyond the elbow joint or total loss of function | 65% |
Total loss of one arm from under the elbow joint or total loss of function | 60% |
Total loss of one hand | 55% |
Loss of a thumb | 20% |
Loss of a pointing finger | 10% |
Loss of several fingers, per each | 5% |
Total loss of a lower limb over the middle of the thigh or total loss of function | 70% |
Total loss of a lower limb from the middle of the thigh or total loss of function | 60% |
Loss of one leg up to the knee | 50% |
Loss of one leg from under the knee | 45% |
Loss of a foot | 40% |
Loss of a big toe | 5% |
Loss of any other toes, per each | 2% |
In the case a partial loss or disorder of members or senses, the Insurer will take into consideration appropriately reduced percentages stated in the above table.
In the cases not mentioned in the above table, the medical expert of the Insurer will specify the percentage by which the normal physical or mental capacity of the Insured was reduced. The judgment made by the Insurer’s medical expert is independent of judgments made by any other medical or social insurance organizations or bodies or other medical experts.
If an accident would impair functions or parts of the body that have been impaired already before the accident, the percentage of such previous health impairment will be deducted in the course of the calculation of the insurance benefit.
The Insurer will determine the degree of permanent disability earliest after 15 days, latest after 2 years from the day of the accident.
If the insured would die in consequence of an accident within 15 days, the above benefits could not be claimed for. If the Insured would day after 15 days but before the day when the Insurer could finally determine the degree of health impairment, the Insurer will determine the amount of the insurance benefit on the basis of the documents elaborated as a result of medical examinations carried out until then.
Accidental Inpatient treatment (daily allowance)
Insurance event shall mean an accident that occurred within the duration of the coverage granted for the given Insured, that such treatment starts within 1 year from the day of the accident. For the calculation of the number of days of inpatient treatment all hospital days shall be deemed as full days, including days of admission and discharge or the eventual death. Following the occurrence of an insurance event, after the finalization of the inpatient treatment the Insurer will pay for all days of inpatient treatment but for maximum 30 days the (daily allowance) sum insured specified for the given Insured as of the date of the accident.
Fracture or cracking of the bone, healing period in excess of 28 days
Insurance event shall mean a non-fatal accident that occurred within the duration of the coverage granted for the given Insured and causes to the Insured
- fracture or cracking of the bone,
- severe fracture of the bone
or an injury with a healing period in excess of 28 days.
Severe fracture of the bone shall mean the following:
- fracture of the skull with soft tissue injury,
- fracture of the backbone with spinal marrow injury,
- fracture of the pelvis,
- open fracture of the femur and/or the tibia,
- open fracture of the humerus and/or the radius.
In the event of fracture or cracking of the bone or an injury with a healing period in excess of 28 days following an accident, the Insurer will pay the sum insured that at the time of the occurrence of the accident was specified for the Insured, and in the event of severe fracture of the bone, the Insurer will pay twice the sum insured that at the time of the occurrence of the accident was specified for the Insured.
If in consequence of one and the same accident a given Insured would suffer several out of the listed events, the Insurer will reimburse the event with the highest insurance benefit.
Refund of costs emerging due to an accident
If the Insured suffers an accident the Insurer shall refund (up to the limit defined in the list of benefits):
- the cost of repair or cleaning justified by an invoice of personal goods affected by the accident if the emerging costs are not refund in any other form.. If the damaged personal property is not repairable in an economic way, the Insurer will refund the technical real value at the date of accident of the damaged personal property up to the limit defined in the list of benefits;
- the costs of alimentation, phone calls and taxi emerging due to the accident and justified by an invoice;
- the costs of repair or change of glasses or contact lenses damaged in the accident if prescribed by a medical doctor and justified by an invoice, including the costs of ophthalmological examination.
Furthermore, the Insurer shall refund the costs of transport and rescue up to the limit defined for this service in the list of benefits justified by an invoice provided that the Social Security had no financing obligation or if the costs are not refund in any other form.
Damage of luggage and clothing
Insurance event shall mean a damage in the clothing or luggage of the insured passenger emerging as a consequence of an accident, robbery, theft or natural disaster. The disappearance of a luggage having been left unattended shall not be meant an insurance event. The insurance does not cover jewelry, precious metals, cash, securities, bonds, means of payment, travelling tickets and documents. The insurance shall not limit the Policyholder and the indemnity cannot be taken into consideration in the benefits arising from other legal regulation.
Reissue of official documentation
Should the official documents of the Insured be damaged or lost, the Insurer shall pay the costs of reissue (fees, photo) up to the limit defined in the list of benefits.
List of benefits
Filing of claims, loss adjustment
The passenger affected by an insurance event shall report such event to the bus driver, or, if it took place in the area allocated for passenger traffic, to the competent manager, in the course of the travel, or in case of international travel if the verbal report cannot be realized, in written form to VOLÁNBUSZ Co. Ltd. The on-board staff or other competent staff member shall take a record of the insurance event on the spot or the nearest designated VOLÁNBUSZ facility, which shall be sent to the Insured within 8 days.
Should the passenger – on account of the injury sustained - be unable to report the insurance event, then the representative of VOLÁNBUSZ Co. Ltd. shall proceed to take records of the event ex officio. Should the insurance event take place in a passenger area within the VOLÁNBUSZ facility, and no records may be taken, then the burden of proof to verify occurrence of the event shall be with Insured (e.g. by way of police or ambulance records on the accident). Should the damage to luggage arise from robbery, the aggrieved passenger shall report the crime also to the police, in which case payment of indemnification is subject to the final resolution of the police. Insurer shall have access to any and all documents and proof that are required for assessing the claim.
In addition to the documents required for verifying and assessing the claim for damages (e.g. death certificate, official certificate, final resolution, medical documents, hospital discharge report), the records taken by VOLÁNBUSZ Zrt. shall also be provided to Insurer.
The claim shall be filed in writing by the Insured or the Beneficiary to the Insurer within 8 days of occurrence thereof. The Insured shall be obliged to provide full and true information to the Insurer on the circumstances of the insured event and the insurance contract, furthermore the Insured/Contractor shall be obliged to enable the verification of the contents of the report and information.
Insurer shall provide the indemnification to verified claimant within 15 days of receiving the last document necessary for verifying entitlement to the claim. Payments that would be delayed due to delayed submission of the claim or documents necessary for its settlement will be made by the Insurer without paying any interest.
The benefit may be received by the Insured or his/her heirs.
In case insured events occurring during international travel the Insured passenger can call the below assistance phone number where his/her call will be attended during 24 hours a day in Hungarian and English:
+36 1 458 4483
In the frame of assistance service the Insurer receives claim reports and provides information.
After 2 years from the day of the occurrence of the insurance event all claims stemming from this insurance will lapse.
Waiver of the insurer:
The Insurer will be exempted from its obligation to pay benefit in respect of a given Insured if it can be proven that the death of the Insured occurred
- in consequence of the deliberate behavior of the beneficiary, or
- in consequence of the suicide of the Insured, committed or attempted.
Suicide will entail exemption even if it was committed by the Insured in irresponsible state of his mind.
The Insurer will be exempted from its obligation to pay accident insurance benefit if it can be proven that the accident can be attributed to the deliberate or grossly negligent behavior of the Insured.
An accident will be qualified as one caused by grossly negligent behavior specifically if it occurred
- in consequence of or in relation with a severe criminal action committed by the Insured, or
- in the severe drunken state of the Insured (from 2.5 per mille blood alcohol level), or
- in direct causal relation with the state of the Insured caused by the taking of stupefacient, narcotic or similar substances, or in consequence of the Insured’s addiction to toxic substances, or
- when the Insured drove a vehicle without valid driver license or under the influence of alcohol (at least 0.8 per mille blood alcohol level) and concurrently violated other traffic rules.
The Insurer’s liability will not arise if the person eligible for the insurance benefit or the Policyholder failed to report the insurance event within the specified deadline and therefore material circumstances become undiscoverable.
From among the scope of reimbursable events, the Insurer excludes events
- that are directly related to war, civil war, terrorist action, uprising, riot, commotion;
furthermore that directly or indirectly are related to
- impact of radioactive nuclear energy or ionizing radiation (except for therapeutic medical treatment);
- accidents causally related to the disturbed state of the mind or unconsciousness of the Insured, or to suicide or any attempt thereof;
- parts of the Insured’s body, which were already permanently impaired or not sound due to former accidental injury;
- impairments caused by sunstroke, heatstroke, burning caused by sunrays, or frost;
- toxicosis or injury caused by deliberate intake of solid, liquid or gaseous substances, including drugs and narcotics;
- hiatus hernia, inguinal hernia (strain) if it was not in causal relation with an accident;
- cartilage injuries, strain, sprain, bruise, lesion, overexertion, bleeding not originating from an accident;
- accidents occurring in the course of performing armed service by the Insured, or events that occurred in the course or in consequence of the insured’s carrying or using weapon.
The following items shall not be deemed as luggage, and other assets not covered hereunder, are as follows:
- jewelry, articles made of precious metals, pieces of art, collections, precious furs, sunglasses (excepting ordinary glasses), stamps and musical instruments, arms and ammunition;
- cash, Hungarian or foreign banknotes, cash equivalents (money orders, bank cards, credit cards, check card, promissory note, cash-note, savings book or other document issued in relation thereof, and any other document under whatever title with the same financial intent), security, cash-notes, passes, travel tickets;
Documents necessary for the receipt of the benefit
For the receipt of the insurance benefit, the party eligible for receiving same should present or hand over among others the following documents:
- notice on the demand for the benefit;
- medical documents concerning health treatment and the healing period;
- in the case of inpatient treatment: final hospital report together with the certificate of the accidental origin;
- in the case of earning incapacity: “Medical certificate” together with the certificate of the accidental origin;
- in the case of death: death certificate; any medical or authoritative certificate that certifies the cause of the death and its accidental origin;
- in the case of accidental injury: medical certificates documenting the accidental injury and its consequences;
- in the case of reduction in the working capacity: expert opinion of the National Rehabilitation and Social Institute on the reduction of the working capacity and the relevant final resolution of the social insurance organization;
- the Insurer may request other documents, to the certification of the loss event or the benefit payment (among others: certificate of the date of birth);
- other documents that are necessary for the statement of eligibility (beneficiary status), the insurance event and the amount of the benefit.
If necessary, the Insurer may request other certificates and the Insurer is entitled to verify the reports and information received, including a request for the personal examination of the Insured.
Costs related to the certification of an insurance event should be borne by the party who wants to enforce claim.
Following the occurrence of an insurance event, the Insurer may request the presentation of deeds that are suitable for evidencing the insurance event. The Insurer may make the payment of the insurance benefit conditional upon the presentation of such documents that are necessary for the certification of the occurrence of the insurance event and for the determination of the amount of the benefit. The occurrence of the insurance event should be evidenced by the Policyholder, the Insured and the beneficiary. In the case of the occurrence of an insurance event, those deeds, authoritative and court resolutions, real evidences are suitable for evidencing the same, which can prove the legal ground and the sum of the insurance event. In addition to the items listed above, the Policyholder, the Insured and the beneficiary are entitled to certify the insurance event in accordance with the general rules of evidence, in order that they could enforce their claims.
In the event when the documents requested by the Insurer would either not be submitted or be submitted incompletely, the Insurer will evaluate the claim for benefit on the basis of the available documents or may refuse the claim.
Furthermore in case of claims related to refund of costs emerging due to an accident, damage of luggage and clothing and reissue of official documentation the following documents shall be presented:
- Detailed description of the disappearance or damage of the luggage,
- list of the damaged goods including the purchase price and date,
- the related invoices if available,
- invoice of the reissue of the official documents,
- in case of damage invoice of the repair or a certificate issued by a professional about the irrecoverable error of the damaged property.
Registration of data
The Insurer is entitled to handle and store personal, health and business data coming to its knowledge regarding the insurance contract, its conclusion, registration and the insurance benefits, in due consideration of the relevant legal prescriptions. The Insurer is obliged to handle these data as insurance secret and keep such secret without temporal limitation. Insurance secret shall mean all data not qualifying as insurance secret that become available for the insurer, reinsurer, the insurance mediator or the insurance advisor, which refers to the personal circumstances, financial position or financial management of individual clients (including the claimant) of the insurer, reinsurer, the insurance mediator or the insurance advisor, or which refers to the contract concluded by the client with the Insurer or reinsurer.
Data directly related to health conditions that are handled by the Insurer may be handled by the Insurer during the existence of the legal insurance relationship and during that period in which any claim related to the legal insurance relationship could be enforced.
The Insurer shall be obliged to delete all data directly related to health conditions that refer to its existing or former clients or contracts not concluded, where the aim of the data management has ceased or where the approval of the person concerned is not available or where the legal ground of data management is missing.
As regards insurance secret, the Insurer will act in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Act on insurers and insurance activity (Bit.). Insurance secret may be handed over to third parties if
- the client of the insurer, the insurance mediator and the insurance advisor, or his/her legal representative gave a written exemption in this respect with the accurate indication of the scope of secret that might be handed over,
- the secrecy obligation as stipulated in Bit. does not hold.
The Insurer may further the data of its clients without breaching the insurance secret but only in the cases specified by Bit., to the following places: the Hungarian National Bank, investigating authorities and the public prosecutor’s office, a court of law, the independent court bailiff, the tax authority, the national security service, the Office of Economic Competition, guardian agencies, the health care authority, the agencies authorized to use secret service means and to conduct covert investigations, providers of reinsurance and co-insurance, the receiving insurance company with respect to insurance contracts conveyed under a portfolio transfer, third-country insurance companies, insurance intermediaries and consultants in respect of their branch offices, the provider of outsourced services, the commissioner for fundamental rights acting in an official capacity, the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information acting in an official capacity, the Hungarian crime investigation organization acting in relation with its scope of tasks specified in the act on the prevention and hindering of money laundering, or a foreign crime investigation organization acting in the frames of mutual international obligations.
By virtue of signing the proposal, the Policyholder and the Insured consented that the Insurer would hand their data over to foreign insurer, foreign reinsurer or a foreign data managing organization, and data related to health care treatment under this present contract to the competent institutions.
Complaint procedures
The consumer (client) may submit his/her complaint relating to the activities carried out by UNIQA Insurance Ltd. verbally (in person or via telephone) or in writing (via e-mail) as follows:
The consumer may submit a verbal complaint at the headquarters of the Insurer, or at the customer service offices operating in its branch offices shown in the corporate register, during opening hours, in person (or by way of an authorised representative) or via the following telephone numbers [+36 1/20/30/70 544-5555].
The consumer may submit a written complaint to:
- the central customer service of the Insurer [1134 Budapest, Róbert Károly krt. 70–74.];
- customer service offices operating in the Insurer’s registered branch offices;
- the postal address provided in point a) by post or telefax to +36 1 2386 060, or via e-mail to
On the issued complaints, please write Complaint Management Department as recipient. Detailed information on our complaint management procedure can be found at the website [Complaint Management Regulation], and the Regulation can be found in the customer service offices operating in the Insurer’s registered branch offices as well.
If the claim formulated in the complaint is rejected by the Insurer with respect to the conclusion, validity, legal repercussions (e.g. compensation sum or the refusal thereof) or termination of the insurance contract, the consumer (client) may seek legal remedy with:
- Financial Arbitration Board (hereinafter “PBT”) [H-1525 Budapest, BKKP Pf.:172, telephone: +36 1 4899 100, e-mail:]; or
- the court having jurisdiction and competence in the matter.
If in the complaint rejected by the Insurer the client alleges the infringement of the provisions of Act CXXXIX of 2013 on the Hungarian National Bank (hereinafter “HNB”) on consumer protection, the client may initiate the consumer protection procedure of HNB [1534 Budapest, BKKP Pf. 777, telephone: +36 1 4899 100, e-mail:].
Proceedings with PBT or HNB may only be initiated if the client attempted to settle the dispute directly with the Insurer before initiating an official legal remedy under Act CXXXIX of 2013 and if the client is regarded as a consumer under the current legal provisions in force.
Supervisory organization of the Insurer:
Hungarian National Bank
1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 39.
(1534 Budapest, BKKP Pf.: 777)
UNIQA Insurance Co. wishes a pleasant journey to the passengers of VOLÁNBUSZ Co. Ltd.